Lighthouse’s Quantum Fine Pitch q1.5 & Dynamic A2.5 LED Display Series debuted yesterday on opening day of ISE 2018.
The q1.5 is an ultra-high resolution LED screen provides incredible contrast ratios and Lighthouse’s Peak Luminance Enhancement Technology, the very latest in HDR development. The A2.5 LED Display Series, meanwhile, is a 2.5mm pixel pitch, all-in-one LED Display that provides a reliable, trouble-free video solution for multiple indoor applications.
You can also experience the comparison zone, which you will see Lighthouse’s latest HDR technology in fine pitch LED screens.
Lighthouse is exhibiting on Stand 8-G250 at ISE 2018, which takes place at the Amsterdam RAI from 6th - 9th February.
We look forward to seeing you there.
About Lighthouse
Lighthouse Technologies Limited is a global leader in LED video display technology that develops, manufactures, and markets LED video display solutions for multiple indoor & outdoor applications, DOOH media, entertainment events, AV Rentals and sports arenas across the globe. With numerous technological breakthroughs to our name, Lighthouse is a multi-award-winning leader in the LED video display industry that holds itself with the highest standards of quality.
Founded in 1997, Lighthouse has a strong global presence with regional offices in Europe, North and South America, Asia Pacific and China. Lighthouse employs the most advanced technology, the highest quality manufacturing facilities, and world-class, round-the-clock technical support. For more information about Lighthouse, please visit www.lighthouse-tech.com
Media Contact:
Pilva Kwan
Lighthouse Technologies Limited,
Unit 608,6/F, Photonics Centre 2 Science Park East Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park
New Territories, HONG KONG
Tel: 852 2192 1688
Fax: 852 2423 1092
E-mail: info@lighthouse-tech.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LighthouseLED
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